2021 7DRL - Starting Point

This is just to announce my starting point for the 2021 7DRL competition.

  • I will be using libtcod developing in Python 3
  • I am starting with code from the revised libtcod tutorial in python, part 3: http://rogueliketutorials.com/tutorials/tcod/part-3
  • The main mechanic of the game will be the automatically scrolling map
  • Rooms will be randomly generated via parameterized templates
  • I plan on using a scent tracking system for the creature AI
  • I will be using sprites from Oryx Labs, and randomly generated sprites using: https://github.com/KilledByAPixel/ZzSprite
  • Prior to the competition, I created a simple server for the game to upload data to compute the player's score. The scores will be displayed on the site, but they will be erased every day. 


Mar 05, 2021

Get rogue-dash